Total Annihilation Wiki
Class TANK
Built by
Tech Level 2
Metal Cost 473
Energy Cost 3048
Build Time 8730
Max Velocity 14.4 m/s
Acceleration 0.13 m/s/s
Turn Rate 49 deg/s

The Reaper is a level 2 tank that is substantially stronger than the Raider; the unit has more powerful and longer ranged weapons than the level 1 tanks and has the armour to take twice as much punishment, meaning this unit is essential if engaging enemy towers or other advanced units. Its ARM counterpart is the Bulldog.

The Reaper is a good unit on its own, but cannot compare to the Goliath, which is built by the same factory, has a shorter build time, better armor, and a devastating weapon. this means that there is no real reason to buy the Reaper, even though it looks cool.

Commander's Handbook[]

Heavy Assault Tank “REAPER”
This is the Core’s main battle tank. It has a heavy plasma cannon and three layers of Heavy Armor.
Commander Commander
Kbots A.K.Adv. Construction KbotConstruction KbotCrasherDecoy CommanderDominatorFreakerGimpKrogothMortyParasitePyroResurrection KbotRoachSpectreStormSumoThe CanThudVoyeur
Vehicles Adv. Construction VehicleConstruction VehicleCopperheadCrockDeleterDiplomatGoliathHedgehogInformerInstigatorLevelerMobile ArtilleryRaiderReaperSlasherSpoilerWeasel
Aircraft Aircraft Adv. Construction AircraftAvengerConstruction AircraftFinkHurricaneRapierShadowTitanValkyrieVampVulture
Seaplanes Construction SeaplaneHunterTyphoonVoodoo
Ships Ships Construction ShipEnforcerEnvoyExecutionerHiveMissile FrigatePhantomSearcherShredderWarlord
Submarines Advanced Construction SubLeviathanSharkSnake
Hovercraft Construction HovercraftNixerScrubberSlingerSnapperTurtle
Resources Cloakable Fusion ReactorEnergy StorageFusion Power PlantGeothermal PowerplantMetal ExtractorMetal MakerMetal StorageMoho Metal MakerMoho MineSolar CollectorUnderwater Fusion PlantWind Generator
Factories Adv. Aircraft PlantAdv. Kbot LabAdv. ShipyardAdv. Vehicle PlantAircraft PlantHovercraft PlatformKbot LabKrogoth GantrySeaplane PlatformShipyardVehicle Plant
Towers Advanced Torpedo LauncherBuzzsawCobraDoomsday MachineGaat GunImmolatorIntimidatorLight Laser TowerNeutronPunisherPulverizerSilencerStingerThunderboltToasterTorpedo LauncherViper
Misc. Advanced Radar TowerAdvanced Sonar StationAir Repair PadDragon's TeethFloating Dragon's TeethFortification WallFortitude Missile DefenseRadar TowerSonar StationTargeting Facility